Minggu, 21 Desember 2008


x:(this is how to cheer my self up) that the sky is still blue.
y:and the sun is still yellow.


x:I wanna be your pet.
x:is stopped
y laughs: I have harrison already
x:Harison is a male cat, you need a female.
y:Harison would want you.
x:and we would get married and make a lot of kittens.
y:I cant feed them.
x:you can cook.
y:Cat has six nipples, how many nipples you have?
x:alright, I only got two but I can implant the others.
y laughs.

y:Males ah ngomongin ini lagi.
x:oh ya dah, pergi aja klo males.
y:kamu kenapa sih? lagi dapet ya?
x:oh fuck off!
y:oh emmm...mwah!

x:I love you
y:I love you more.
x:you cant love me more, that would be so unfair.
y laughs.

"I wish I could chop diamond with my nipples."

"Hey, I like you...Can I be your friend?"

y:Hey, I can be funny too like Shrek.
x:fuck shrek.
y:oh you dont wanna fuck shrek, he is ugly!

x:I am being a mean bitch today.
y:how come you never be mean to me?
x:that's becuz you're my friend and I love you.
y:Be mean to me, hurt me, make me cry...
x laughs.
y:and make up sex after that.
x laughs:...now you're getting really weird.
y:.....sorry I was just teasing you.

"kamu bisa punya segalanya, harta, kecantikan, kepintaran, tapi semua itu gak ada artinya kalau kamu gak punya hati, gak punya moral!!"

x:line up please...choo..choo..train!
y:kok puter-puter?

x:I wanna get a bigger fish!
y:whale would swallow you.
x:I would ride on whale, free Willy 6
y laughs.

"I think I got Peter Pan syndrome."

"I think you dont have a brain to think."

"I love beauty, I genuinely admire beautiful people. beautiful women and beautiful men turns me on."

"Oh fuck off, you're a freak!"

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